Writing for second language learners is a quit bit challenging. Not all students in one level in writing.
The concept of genre:
Genre according to Ken Hyland is the way of using language socially. It is about the obstacles that usually the member of the society might face in understanding the similarities and differences in the texts. Basically, writing is similar to dancing. The learner learns by following instructions to make a connection between what have he learned previously. As a result, motivation and engagement are important aspects in L2 writing. However, if I connect this concept with my personal experience when I was a student, I would say that writing was a problematic for me because of the traditional methodology that we were following in our educational system. I have graduated from foreign languages department in my university. I used to read and write almost every day. But learning to write was not needs-oriented for us as students. The teaching methodology was not effective to recognise our needs as students for a second language. Teachers in public schools and universities do not identifying the appropriate kind of writing, which students need to learn. We started learn English as a second language from intermediate, our curriculum could classified a good curriculum but with a poor teaching methodology. We learn grammar, vocabulary, comprehension readings, writing a conversation and paragraphs but by memorizing them. It sounds strange to say that memorize writing but yes, we do. I think if we learn to write to use language. Our English would be better. I am generalizing the idea because the situation is quit bit general in Saudi Arabia. However, after I started to learn English in Canada. The conceptual understanding of writing has been change. In the language schools, I continue building on my previous knowledge. I am familiar of English grammar in its usage, but I have not written an essay of 500 words. I can say that I am confidence about my writing to some extent. However, in terms of speaking for me as a second language learner, once again, I have a degree in English but I guess I completed my degree after I finished the last level in the language school. Second language from my opinion should be learned in an English community. By practicing, English with native speakers. So, from my experience of practicing English inside the classroom and outside, Outside classrooms learning of L2 ease the process of learning. But also, inside the classroom learning give the students the apportioned method to learn English from designed curriculums. Basically, both have their positive and negative aspects. For more clarification, learning outside the classroom confused the learner between the formal and in formal language. Personally, I have experienced this situation. I remember that I had an assignment about writing an academic piece of writing and I used informal language in my academic writing because I used to go every day to the public library to have a conversation with people to empower my speaking. So, this interfering between Formal and informal language confused me as L2 learner.
Briefly, I could avoid all our traditional methods that I grew up with after I hired as English instructor. I could say that writing to my students is a must in a daily basis. I encourage them to write every day.